About Us

Ariosan Foundation is a humanitarian and Islamic educational institution with the focus of its program providing relief and support in economics and education of the poor and the ones who are in needs.

The establishment of the foundation was conducted in the presence of notary Edna Hanindito, S.H., M.Kn. with Notarial Deed No. 2 on 15th of December 2010, as determined by the Decree of Minister of Law and Human Rights of Indonesian Republic No. AHU-1008. AH. 01.04. Year 2011.

Some programs conducted by Ariosan Foundation are Education Scholarships and Human Empowerment programs. The assistance provided by this program is primarily in the form of relief for children and underprivileged communities (fakir, dhuafa’, elderly widows, orphans, etc.). The purpose is that they can continue their study in a boarding school that is equivalent to high school with non-formal education, with the implementation of Tahfidz Curriculum. The Human Empowerment program is aimed for people who are less equipped with skills that they need, so that later they can be economically independent. Besides those that has already mentioned, some programs also cover the constructing of study rooms for people living in remote areas, providing help to the victims of natural disasters (housing, food, and medicine), and drilling water pipes for wells in water-crisis areas.

Ariosan Foundation has also been registered in the National Zakat Amil Agency (BAZNAS) since July 24, 2020, stated by the decree of the National Zakat Amil Agency (BAZNAS) of East Java, by the decree issue No. 05/SK/BAZNAS.JTM/VII/2020.