Eight Blessed Dirhams

One day the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) went shopping. Armed with eight dirhams, the Prophet wanted to buy clothes and household appliances. Not yet at the market, he found a woman crying. The woman lost two dirhams. 

To comfort the woman, the Prophet (pbuh) spent two dirhams to reimburse the lost money. The Prophet’s money now lives six dirhams, he rushed to buy a robe, his favorite clothes.

After buying a robe, an old man and a poor man shouted, “Whoever gives clothes, God will dress him up one day.”

As soon as the Prophet examined the man, his clothes were shabby, no longer fit to wear. Then, the Apostle took off the robe he had just bought to give to the old man. He didn’t wear his new shirt.

Continuing the journey, the Prophet (pbuh) met a woman who had been given two dirhams. The woman again complained to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

To the Prophet, the woman told about her fear of being punished majiannya because it was too late to go home. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) drove the woman to her employer’s house. Arriving at the woman’s employer’s house, two greetings of the Messenger of Allah were not answered. Greetings when, then, is answered by the inhabitants.

“If this slave woman is wrong and needs to be punished, let me accept the punishment,” the Prophet told the woman’s employer.

Hearing the speech, the occupants of the house were amazed. They feel they have received valuable learning from the Messenger of Allah. Reflexively they deliver. “This slave is free because of God.” The Prophet was happy to hear it.

He was very grateful, because the eight dirhams he gave him benefited thousands of dirhams, namely the price of the slave.

“I do not see eight dirhams as great as they are thanks to these eight dirhams. God has given peace to those who fear, clothed the naked, and freed slaves,” he said.

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