Being a Righteous Person


Behind the test of holding hunger and thirst, ramadan shaum has a very important purpose. That is, scoring the righteous. So, what does the righteous person look like?


Mui Da’wah Commission Deputy Chairman Habib Nabiel Almusawa explained that the characteristics of the godly people have been mentioned by Allah in the Quran surah al-Baqarah verse 197. “So, said Allah SWT (in surah), armed you all in the world. So the best provision for you in this world is taqwa,” Habib Nabiel told The New Town, not long ago.


The leader of the Assembly of the Prophet PBUH continued, taqwa is also explained in a hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari Muslim that the Prophet Muhammad PBUH said. “The name of the taqwa is in the chest.”


So, Habib Nabiel insists, the taqwa must not be seen. “That’s to say, it looks like I’m being highlighted, arrogant, it can’t be like that. So, that’s the heart,” he said. 


In addition to the Qur’an and hadith, the companions also defined the taqwa. One time Sayyidina Umar ibn Khattab RA asked Ibn Mas’ud RA, one of the companions who included the seven most experts in the Koran. “O Ibn Mas’ud, what do you think is righteous?” Ibn Mas’ud said, “O Amirul Mukminin! 


Then Sayidina Umar i.e. Khattab replied, “Never”. Then Ibn Mas’ud asked, “What are you doing in a place of thorny bushes, while you must pass by them?” 


Listening to the question, Sayidina Umar bin Khattab then answered, “I mean it.” Then Ibn Mas’ud said, “That is what is called taqwa.”


So, says Habib Nabiel, that taqwa is not a process that immediately ends, the time is long, it can be for life. taqwa is earnest in every time and every day in the conduct of worship.


“And also beware of wickedness. Stay away from wickedness in earnest. Because if he’s a little bit snaughty, he’s going to get impinged. That is the definition according to Sayidina Umar Ibn Khattab and Ibn Mas’ud,” he said.


Sayidina Ali bin Abi Thalib also has a definition of taqwa. When he became caliph, he was asked, “Waha Amirul Mukminin, what is taqwa?” 


According to Sayidina Ali bin Abi Thalib, “taqwa is that even if we are given a little with Allah ridha, even if we are poor still be ridha, even if we are given many trials we will still be ridha, even if we are afflicted by adversity still ridha. It’s called the taqwa.”


Then, the second definition of taqwa according to Sayidina Ali bin Abi Thalib is the overwhelming fear of God, wherever it is. Fear Allah in every situation, whether difficult or easy.


“Meanwhile, the third definition of Sayidina Ali bin Abi Thalib is to practice what is revealed from Allah, the Qur’an and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH,” he said.


Habib Nabiel stressed that he loved those who professed to believe, but he did not practice what Allah and the Prophet (Peace be upon him) had commanded. 


There is still another definition of taqwa according to Sayidina Ali bin Abi Thalib, which is always earnestly preparing to meet Allah SWT. “That is, waiting for the days to meet God. So, he prepares himself not to die in the state of su’ul khatimah,” Habib Nabiel said.


Meanwhile, deputy general head of the Islamic Association (Persis) KH Jeje Zaenuddin said the characteristics of piety were explained in the Koran. Among them, light charity in every circumstance, whether in a spacious or narrow state, is also capable of controlling emotions, as well as being forgiving of the faults of others.


Then, he continued, according to the Qur’an al-Imran verse 134-135, those who fear Allah are those who, if they do wrong or do wrong, will remember Allah immediately and ask forgiveness for their sins.  


“They are not constantly guilty of wrongdoing once they find out,” he said. 


If transformed into the context of our current life, namely in the face of covid-19 pandemic, according to The Jeje, piety is manifested in the attitude of alertness of actions that can harm himself and others.


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