Grateful for Oxygen

During the Covid-19 pandemic, oxygen needs for Covid patients jumped sharply, resulting in a number of hospitals experiencing a scarcity of oxygen availability. Oxygen is a basic human necessity. Without oxygen, humans can’t breathe and can die.

Let us introspect ourselves and count for a moment. How free oxygen that God has provided in this universe is really high value. Economically, the price of oxygen is Rp 25 thousand per liter; while the price of nitrogen is Rp 10 thousand per liter.

Humans need 2,880 liters of oxygen and 11,376 liters of nitrogen per day. If it had to be purchased, for the fulfillment of oxygen and nitrogen, humans would have to spend Rp 185 million per day per person.

If multiplied by one month only, then 30 days x Rp 185 million = Rp 5.5 billion. Had his life relied on oxygen and nitrogen purchased, rather than those enjoyed for free from God, it could have been ensured that the richest man in the world would not have survived more than a year.

That is the most vital favor that man feels through his nose. Surely there are many other blessings of Allah that are enjoyed through the mouth, eyes, ears, hands, feet, skins, minds, hearts, and others. Unfortunately, says Allah, very few of His servants are grateful (QS Saba’ [34]: 13).

And those who deny the favours of Allah and deny the praises of Allah, and those who disbelieve in the Signs of Allah, and those who disbelieve in Allah and his Messenger, and those who deny the truth In surah ar-Rahman, 31 times, Allah even mentions repeatedly the verse: “Which of your Lord’s bounsts will you deny?” This verse is the only one that is repeated that much. This indicates that man is indeed very potential to be a denial of God’s favor.

The new oxygen delights are felt full of benefits and are needed when experiencing breathing difficulties. Therefore, it is proper for man to have theological awareness in the form of authentic recognition of all the blessings of God.

And those who deny the favours of Allah and deny the praises of Allah, and those who disbelieve in the Signs of Allah, and those who disbelieve in Allah and his Messenger, and those who deny the truth In surah ar-Rahman, 31 times, Allah even mentions repeatedly the verse: “Which of your Lord’s bounsts will you deny?” This verse is the only one that is repeated that much. This indicates that man is indeed very potential to be a denial of God’s favor.

The new oxygen delights are felt full of benefits and are needed when experiencing breathing difficulties. Therefore, it is proper for man to have theological awareness in the form of authentic recognition of all the blessings of God.


“And whatever blessings you have, it is from Allah. And when harm touches you, it is to Him that you seek help.” (QS an-Nahl [16]: 53)


A culture of gratitude, including being grateful for oxygen, is good. The Prophet (ï·º) said: “It is amazing the business of the believers. All his affairs are good for him. It is not for a person but for the believer himself; if he receives pleasure or pleasure, he is grateful; That is good for him. On the other hand, if he is afflicted with disaster, he is patient, so that it will be good for him.” (HR Muslim).

Dr. Robert Emmon of the University of California who conducted research on the benefits of medical gratitude concluded that students who get used to thanking others tend to be able to feel their happiness and emotional stability, in addition to having better degrees of physical and psychic health.

Students who are always grateful are more optimistic and more able to enjoy their lives, as well as their body’s immunity to disease is stronger. In fact, their sleep is better than those that don’t get used to being grateful.

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