Structuring the Economic System in Islam

The strength and well-being of a state cannot be separated from the arrangement of an economic system for the welfare of all citizens. As usual a newly established country, the state of Medina also did not escape economic problems. On the other hand, the population of Medina is increasing because of the increasing number of […]

Manage Family Finances with Salaries of Rp3-4 Million / Month

Managing family finances is not easy. This becomes a common thing felt by many people after marriage. Everyone’s income or financial post is different. There are people who have salaries above Rp10 million, but there are also people who only get a salary of UMR, which is around Rp3 or Rp4 million for the Jabodetabek […]

5 Ways as Mualaf being Close to Allah SWT

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) told his people that Allah (SWT) promised to be closer when His servant tried to be close to Him, as long as his servant’s efforts were sincere.     Reported in, a Muslim can be closer to Allah through a simple variety, but the most important thing is persistence. […]

Special Intercession Of The Prophet Muhammad

There are 4 special intercession that only the Prophet had:   The great intercession is the praiseworthy maqam promised by Allah in his word QS Al-Isra:79. In this intercession the Prophet intercede all beings when Allah ended the reckoning of charity in the mahsyar and some people said: ‘Who will intercede for us?’ They came […]

5 Ways as Mualaf being Close to Allah SWT

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) told his people that Allah (SWT) promised to be closer when His servant tried to be close to Him, as long as his servant’s efforts were sincere.   Reported in, a Muslim can be closer to Allah through a simple variety, but the most important thing is persistence. Since […]

The Story of Baby Crow

A scholar from Syria told me about the do’a that he always chanted. He always said the following:   ﺍَﻟﻠَّﻬُﻢَّ ﺍﺭﺯُﻗﻨَﺎ ﻛَﻤَﺎ ﺗَﺮﺯُﻕُ ﺍﻟﺒُﻐَﺎﺙََ   “O Allah, give me sustenance as You gave sustenance to Bughats.” What are “Bughats”? And how’s the story? “Bughats” chicks of newly hatched crows. Crows when incubating their eggs will […]